Time for Thanks - Wrapping it Up

Today, I'm thankful that we've had such a fun holiday (I feel like only the British can use that word correctly) that I haven't had the time, or the desire, to break away from it and blog. We had fun and food with the big fam, football with the other side of the fam, and lots of time with just our little fam. As a bonus, we got some good times with good friends as well. The weather has been picture perfect, our tummies have been full of delicious food, and our time has been spent being low-key together. It's so easy to see what I have to be thankful for.

And now, the fun and beauty of fall leads into the sparkle, good times, and celebration of Christmas. Each day, I am more aware that I am living in one of the most special times of my life. These are the years I get to spend every moment with my kids, making memories and pointing them toward Christ. I'm thankful for that opportunity and hoping I can make the most of it.

Though I must admit, it's a little challenging to do so in the midst of all the screaming, crumbs, and laundry, but I'm giving it my best shot. "Kids, be quiet. We're trying to make memories here!"

I must also add that we were about 43 seconds into decorating our first Christmas tree before the first ornament got broken. There's nothing like cleaning up shattered glass to get you in the spirit. Ahhh, the magic of Christmas....


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